
Friday 20 March 2020

Tauranga Bay Camp 2020

Walt: Share our camp by making a photo collage.

Reflection: We went to Tauranga Bay for our camp, we left Monday March the 9 and came back on Wednesday March the 11.

Inner Animal.

Walt: Show Animal characteristics in survival modes.

Reflection: The consensus is that Survival mode is an arduous grind, at best. But let's leave the complaining about it for other threads. Here I wanted to gather some useful tips, both general and for specific characters to help players get some cool colours and decent amounts of fight money (for us PS4 bros). Please add some tips or correct anything that I’ve noted.

Thursday 19 March 2020

Sea Turtle Problem

Walt: Explain problems and solution about Sea Turtles.

Reflection: Our hole class had to do this easttle writing test, We had to do this because it was an easttle writing test, We started this on 18\3\2020 and 19\3\2020.