
Friday 26 July 2019

The magnificent maths game

WALT: Use google slides to enhance our multiplication skills.

We learnt how to link slides to slides.
When you get the wrong answer you will have to try again and if you get it right you will go to the next equation
Reflection:I most enjoyed making the equations ,I found it easy to find the photos.

Question: What one was the hardest equations?

Tuesday 2 July 2019

Fern,Frances and Cody's stop motion

Walt: We learnt how to make a movie.If you make one You need to yous stop motion.

Reflection: I most enjoyed making the movie.

Question: Have you every made a movie.

Fern's calendar art

Walt: We have to talk a photo to copy.
We had to trace our face and everything you see.
Reflection: I found it easy to colouring in the back round.

Question: Have you every made a self-portrait